mush check


mush check — Check the current package


mush check [OPTIONS]


Check a local package and all of its dependencies for errors. This will essentially compile the packages without performing the final step of code generation, which is faster than running mush build. The compiler will save metadata files to disk so that future runs will reuse them if the source has not been modified. Some diagnostics and errors are only emitted during code generation, so they inherently won’t be reported with mush check.


Display Options

Option Description
-v Use verbose output. May be specified twice for “very verbose” output which includes extra output such as dependency warnings and build script output. May also be specified with the term.verbose config value.
-q Do not print cargo log messages. May also be specified with the term.quiet config value.
--color when Control when colored output is used. Valid values:
  - auto (default): Automatically detect if color support is available on the terminal.
  - always: Always display colors.
  - never: Never display colors.
  May also be specified with the term.color config value.
--message-format fmt The output format for diagnostic messages. Can be specified multiple times and consists of comma-separated values. Valid values:
  - human (default): Display in a human-readable text format. Conflicts with short and json.
  - short: Emit shorter, human-readable text messages. Conflicts with human and json.
  - json: Emit JSON messages to stdout. See the reference for more details. Conflicts with human and short.
  - json-diagnostic-short: Ensure the rendered field of JSON messages contains the “short” rendering from rustc. Cannot be used with human or short.
  - json-diagnostic-rendered-ansi: Ensure the rendered field of JSON messages contains embedded ANSI color codes for respecting rustc’s default color scheme. Cannot be used with human or short.
  - json-render-diagnostics: Instruct Cargo to not include rustc diagnostics in JSON messages printed, but instead Cargo itself should render the JSON diagnostics coming from rustc. Cargo’s own JSON diagnostics and others coming from rustc are still emitted. Cannot be used with human or short.


See the reference for details on environment variables that Cargo reads.


  • 0 - Cargo succeeded.
  • 101 - Cargo failed to complete.


  1. Check the local package for errors:

    mush check
  2. Check all targets, including unit tests:

    mush check --all-targets --profile=test


mush, mush build

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