mush build


mush build — Compile the current package


cargo build [OPTIONS]


Compile local packages and all of their dependencies.


Compilation Options

Option Description
--target triple Build for the given architecture. The default is the host architecture. The general format of the triple is <arch><sub>-<vendor>-<sys>-<abi>. Run rustc --print target-list for a list of supported targets. This flag may be specified multiple times.
  This may also be specified with the config value.
  Note that specifying this flag makes Cargo run in a different mode where the target artifacts are placed in a separate directory. See the build cache documentation for more details.
-r, --release Build optimized artifacts with the release profile. See also the --profile option for choosing a specific profile by name.
--profile name Build with the given profile. See the reference for more details on profiles.
--timings= fmts Output information how long each compilation takes, and track concurrency information over time. Accepts an optional comma-separated list of output formats; --timings without an argument will default to --timings=html. Specifying an output format (rather than the default) is unstable and requires -Zunstable-options.
  Valid output formats:
  - html (unstable, requires -Zunstable-options): Write a human-readable file cargo-timing.html to the target/cargo-timings directory with a report of the compilation. Also write a report to the same directory with a timestamp in the filename if you want to look at older runs. HTML output is suitable for human consumption only, and does not provide machine-readable timing data.
  - json (unstable, requires -Zunstable-options): Emit machine-readable JSON information about timing information.


See the reference for details on environment variables that Mush reads.


  • 0 - Mush succeeded.
  • 101 - Mush failed to complete.


  1. Build the local package and all of its dependencies:

    mush build
  2. Build with optimizations:

    mush build --release


mush, mush check

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